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Mex Martillo 12:06 Wed Jan 3
So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely

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Dolittle 1:57 Sun Jan 14
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
It interesting how world has changed since Cantona. Now we expect higher standards of behaviour from the fans than we do from the players.

Since when has violence been an acceptable reaction to verbal?

Takashi Miike 3:25 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
fake news? no, a mate got a three year ban for calling bale a yid, there's nothing fake about it but you continue coming out with stupid terms if it makes you feel better about our vermin owners

smartypants 3:02 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
Most clubs now have a grass hotline, at stoke the other week they were advertising it over the tannoy. Text bla bla bla to grass etc.

Coffee 3:01 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely

Sven Roeder 3:00 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely
There is always a number shown on the screens at London Stadium to text or call to report anti social behaviour

On The Ball 3:00 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
It's real - but there's been one for years, as there is at every ground.

joyo 2:56 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
That's fake news Mike unless you can provide the grass line number

Lily Hammer 2:13 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely
We've read rumours on here, from fans nearby, but as far as the public know, the Daily Mail published the only quote I've seen to date, which was something like "Losing a kid is no excuse to take cocaine!"

Perhaps the fan lost friends or family to coke and hates the stuff. Would he be so evil and out of order then?

He probably didn't, and was quite likely out of order, but the point is, nobody knows for sure, and damning judgement was made by most straight after the first reports of this incident.

Takashi Miike 1:42 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
not surprised they banned the bloke, they've apparently issued a phone number that encourages fellow fans to grass each other. that's the type of shit now running the club

Mex Martillo 1:27 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
My take is he said more or less what our only eyewitness, Pass the Dutchy, posted:

pass the dutchy 9:53 Wed Jan 3
Livermore comes off and as he goes to sit down a West Ham supporter shouts out something like “you’re s**t Jake why don’t you find another reason to do a line”. Now that’s not word for word but it was along those lines.

A bit nasty and cheaky, but not a ban for me.

Sniper 12:15 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
The fan is a knobhead regardless of whether the word he used started with a k or a y. Needless, stupid and pointless

But I’m not sure why Livermore gets away with jumping into the crowd because he thinks he heard something - he can’t have a free pass to do what he wants regardless of the horrendously tragic nature of what happened to him. Otherwise so can Harry Arter.

Peterboroughiron 9:57 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely
I suspect that using the word cunt is soon to be met with ejection from the ground which is bad news for a lot of the bml

Private Dancer 4:38 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely
kev - Yea I make you right. I haven't studied the in's and out's of all of this as I have better things to do, but he's hardly gonna be a miss is he. He'll probably see his life ban as a badge of honour anyway.

smartkev 4:33 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd? Fan banned indefinitely
Let’s be honest though, this supporter sounds a bit of a cunt.

Sort of loud-mouthed tosser that inhabits every block of every football ground in the country, and just has every other poor fucker around him rolling their eyes, wishing he’d shut the fuck up.

Alfs 1:25 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
Livermore confronted the fan, not clumped him, as Cantona did.

My take is the fan and said 'Yid', Livermore thought he said 'kid' and lost it. Understandably, IMO. The fact that neither Livermore or WHU feel it needs to be referred to the police tells me that behind closed doors it's been dealt with. The fan has probably been banned for using racist language, will write a letter of apology and be let back in, in a month or two.

defjam 1:24 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
North Bank 9:27
stewie griffin 9:19

arsene york-hunt 12:35 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
i've just emailed the FA to ask when they are going to look into Livermore's transgression.

This has set a very dangerous precedent because now any thug footballer is free to jump into the crowd, give a sob story and will be let off. The Cantona punishment was too light in my view, but this....

jakehammer 12:28 Sat Jan 13
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
if the so-called "fan" actually said what he was accused of saying then the indefinite ban is just.
surely though, Livermore jumping into the stand was worthy of a disciplinary charge as in extreme circumstances his action could perhaps have sparked a riot
Eric cantona got a lengthy ban for jumping in and lumping that gobby palace "fan" with his boot all those years ago, so why was Livermore treated differently?.
that's what I don't understand.

Mex Martillo 10:42 Fri Jan 12
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
Last game I went to was Newcastle and Ayew’s body language told me he was going to miss the penalty and as he struck it I called him a cunt. As the keeper saved the penalty I called him more loadly a you fucking cunt. Mainly just groans around me and I thinkyes a few kids, but it is the football, right? I guess that was abusive and I am sure if Ayew had reacted and stormed up to the 66 row in what I think is the East stand (fucking long way to storm!) I am sure I would now be facing an indefinite ban!
For me this is bollocks, yes Trevor, he asked for a reaction, but many people do at times 1000s ask of it in in a chant, but usually there is no raction and nothing happens. I hope ATBOG is right and our fan is back soon.

Far Cough 10:38 Fri Jan 12
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
Kid or Yid, he's fucked either way isn't he?

Hermit Road 10:37 Fri Jan 12
Re: So why did Jake Livermore jump in to the crowd?
Trevor B 10:28 Fri Jan 12

I'm sure that's exactly what happened. Some of them probably said he said yid.

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